Trips from specific cities

This is not a complete list, as some locations prefer not to be posted. However, if you contact us and let us know which city or campus you are from, we'll gladly find out whether there is something local available for you.

Check here for all general Israel trips.

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Meor Israel trip



Meor Israel offers students from many universities the opportunity of a lifetime to tour, learn and live in Israel over winter or summer break...a trip you won’t forget at a price you can’t beat. 

Price: $500 (including airfare)

Upcoming dates: Numerous trips Check out dates and details
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New York

israel reloaded

Olami Manhattan

(ages 21-28)

Reloaded begins with 5 relaxing days of hiking, rafting, touring and learning in the Golan Heights.  From there, we will continue south to Jerusalem, where we will hear from different speakers and leaders, visit ancient historical sites and discover why this city serves as the heart of the Jewish people.Israel Reloaded

Spend 10 days in Israel on an incredible journey! Explore the ancient city of Jerusalem, the beautiful scenery in the North, meet soldiers and visit an army base, tour and experience community service. The trip is a truly unique opportunity to discover what makes the land of Israel so special. Hear from different leaders and speakers, tour historical sites, enjoy the outdoors and have fun with other New Yorkers! 

Eligibility to apply:

-Living full-time in New York City/NY Metro area
-Ages 21-28 and not married

Dates: TBA



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Los Angeles, CA

Ages 21 - 33

asih la

Aish Los Angeles

Be part of a trip that will change your life, meet friends you will keep for a lifetime, and come back with insight you can’t learn or experience anywhere else.
Join R. Yitz Jacobs and Dalia Eliav for 2 weeks full of adventure and inspiration with Jewish young professionals from all over Los Angeles


Price: $499


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Los Angeles, CA

Ages 22-32


LAJ Fellowship

LAJ Fellowship is an initiative that was developed to attract young Jewish professionals in the Greater Los Angeles area. The Leadership Fellowship is an elite program, offering talented young people a unique opportunity to experience the wonders of the land of Israel and build their bond to the Jewish nation. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will be eligible for a free trip to Israel.

Date:  June 25 - July 9, 2023

Price: FREE for eligible apllicants


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Ontario, Canada

Ages 18-24


Jerusalem Fellowship

for students of GTA and University of Western Ontario

3 incredible weeks in Israel, Tour Jerusalem, Tzvat, Golan heights, Dead sea, Ein Gedi and Tel Aviv. Activities include: ATV’ing, Repelling, Hiking, Kayaking and more! Plus hear from some of the worlds best Jewish Speakers on interesting topics like, Jewish History, Jewish Philosophy, Kabbalah, Love, Dating and Marriage, Maximizing your happiness and much more!



Price: $499

Contact: At Univ of Western Ont.:

             At GTA:

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Philadelphia, PA and within 3 hour radius (incl. DC, Baltimore, NY/NJ)

Grads and Young Jewish Professionals


The Chevra - Philly Israel Fellowship

In The Chevra’s unique style, this trip will include a fantastic blend of outdoor adventure, educational stimulation, spine-tingling fun, musical elevation, genuine camaraderie, & spiritual inspiration!

Date:  Two tracks for Summer 2023

Price: The trip is highly subsidized.


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Montreal, Canada, NYC, L.A., Chicago, Miami

co-ed, ages 18-26

montreal jewish experience

Jewish Experience

Jewish Experience is the perfect start for your spiritual quest. We  present both the mystical and the rational approach to Judaism. In 3 weeks you will build a foundation in areas like Self Development, Prayer, Philosophy, History, Sephardi Culture and Customs…Discussions about Israeli politics, relationships, religiosity, Shabbat, proofs of our ancient past and Jewish philosophy.Touring Israel ,praying in the Holy sites of our Tsadikim and adventurous activities are but a few things on the agenda. Separate trips available for students and young professionals. 

Upcoming program date: Winter dates to be posted shortly

Price: $500 CAD


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Trips from Central & South America

latin america

There are dozens of organized trips leaving from cities throughout South & Cenrtal America. For more details, please contact us at info at


Hay muchos viajes que se organizan desde las ciudades a través de Centro y Sur América a Israel. Para más detalles, póngase en contacto con nosotros en info @

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